Shot by Melanie Haas
Collaboration with Viva Con Agua South Africa
Viva Con Agua is an organisation that focuses on providing and educating about the importance of water as a human right. As a poet, I was thrilled to collaborate with them to raise awareness on this crucial issue.
In this collaboration, I worked closely with Viva Con Aga and Villa Viva to create a video that conveys the message. Through my poetry and the visuals in the video, we aimed to create a powerful message that would resonate with the viewers. Throughout the creative process, I was deeply moved by the mission and the work Viva Con Aga is doing globally. It was an honour to work with them and use my art to help raise awareness.
I invite you to watch the collaboration video and to learn about the organisation and the work they do. By coming together and working towards a common goal, we can make a positive impact in the world and help ensure that water is recognised as a basic human right.

Shot by Michael Ogawa. Edited by Samantha Bhango
I can break you with my words
Build you a castle with metaphors
I can control your medulla with verbs
Hypnotise you with anaphoric ironies
Entice you with hyperboles and let similes linger in your imagination
Then comfort you with euphemism.
While you wonder how to get home from the setting of my story.
Rae Lyric Tribute
Dear Rae Lyric (She of the Sun)
Your celestial beauty plunged the darkest allies.
Your rays transcended human limits.
You vibrated in your own little world i confused for an immortal land.
Where you dwelled and magnified your existence and embraced yourself with metaphors, and “cosmic smokes” with less fucks given.
I was a mere petal ,stuck in a flower with a name i couldn’t pronounce.
Looking up at you,
Craving to feel your heat on my back.
A portion of your confidence on my lips.
But now the sun has set,
The darkness is over earth
But your words are imprinted on my memory forever.
“I cannot be contained!!”
She of the Sun
Even earth was not enough to contain your magic.
I hope there’s beer,kush,wine,incense and lots of poetry where you are.
I hope you looking down at me laughing “bitch you my son,why the fuck you crying!?”
I hope it feels like home where you are
Don’t burn it down!
See you soon Sun
Rest In Light.
We will grieve loudly for you,
We will scream out our pain like motherless kittens screaming for milk.
We shall be permitted to display reddened eyes and fallen faces,
And meaningless poems,
To try and pick up these cutting pieces to fill these empty spaces and questions
About your expectations of us to walk in your shoes with trembling toes.
The stage is seeking you in our attempts
Your ever potent presence and well marinated words,
To finish the book with blank pages, the instrumental melody seeking words.
To finish the story for you
Allow us then to grieve loudly for you
As loud as you lived.
#RestInLight Rae Lyric